The #1 best strategy I have come across to increase the number of referral inquires for Personal Care Home Health (aka, private duty) is: THE INTERNET. Not sales people on the street or community events but the web!! Last year, the Wall Street Journal sighted people using the internet to search for medical and health information only second to people searching for adult XXX content. This fact is a high leverage point for those of us (yes, I own two Personal Care Companies myself) who are looking to increase referrals in a very competitive market place.
Turbo Charge Your Leadership Thinking
Hello from Guangzhou China where I am exploring a joint venture with some physicians to open a Home Care Company here and in Singapore. The Asian culture is so rich in history, traditions and approaches to problem solving. While I was talking to some of the physicians here, I had a little epiphany. I started to see the difference in how some of the companies I work with think and the unique way that Asians approach problems or opportunities.
Skilled Nursing Facilities – How Your Hospice and Home Care Company Can Help
This post explores how we can help our Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) colleagues as they try to address their re-admission challenge and become part of a quality post-acute care continuum and ACO.
Skilled nursing facilities have spent the last few years learning a great deal about the hospitals they work with. For obvious reasons!! Unfortunately our SNF colleagues don’t know a great deal about the hospice and home care companies in their building. One of the reasons is because we haven’t done a good job of working with them.
Turbo Charging Your Greatest Business Development Investment
Hello from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Land of Enchantment! This post circles back and expands on a previous post that talked about maximizing your Medical Staff investment. I have had several recent calls and emails asking for better ways to develop a more comprehensive and results oriented Physician Engagement strategy. Engagement of both your own physicians as well as physicians in your community.
Here are three basic “blocking and tackling” physician engagement strategies and ways to turbo charge your greatest business development investment: physicians! Your own medical staff is not only there to help you insure that quality compliant care is delivered but to help you serve more eligible hospice patients. There are a number of ways to achieve this. As more of a philosophical statement, “if it is not illegal, immoral or unethical, the more business relationships you can establish the better!
Accountable Care Organizations – How They Affect Your Hospice or Home Care Business
This post talks about Home Care and Hospice companies and what the ACO (Accountable Care Organization) movement means to their business development efforts. As I sit here watching my Lions play the Packers (tied up 7-7) and write this, I am Skyping with a colleague here in Michigan who operates a Home Care and Hospice company. We are talking about how his strategies differ as he approached several ACO with his Home Care operation and Hospices, and how he is working with several ACOs.
Why Waste Time With Planning: There are 101 Reasons!!!
Happy Sunday as I write…well not really as my Lions lost today :=( I am a football junkie!!
I was talking to a President of a hospital based hospice this past week as her operation is not growing and she had some other issues causing concern. I asked her to send me her Marketing and /or Strategic Plan. What she sent me was a list of 101 things she was working on. I kid you not. Here were a few questions I asked her:
10 Success Skills for Hospice and Home Care Sales Professionals
Hello from 35,000 feet up in the air as I fly back from Denver. While in Denver I had a dinner conservation with some hospice and home care colleagues on what makes an excellent hospice and home care sales professional? This blog offers up what we believe to be the “Top 10” selling skills. What do you think?
Are You Using The GIP Level of Care To Its Fullest?
This post explores how the General Inpatient Hospice (GIP) level of care is the most misunderstood and thus misused element within the wonderful Medicare Hospice benefit. Learn how to put this level of care to better use for your organizations to serve more patients, develop value based relationships with hospitals and SNFs, and enhance profitability.
Happy Saturday evening to all of you. It is not a good Saturday for me as my two favorite college football’s teams lost :=( University of Michigan and Michigan State. I just hope my Detroit Lions do better on Monday Night Football.)
To Pay or Not Pay a Sales Bonus?
There has been a great deal of dialogue about whether it is ethical or not to pay bonuses to home care and hospice sales people for referral and admission growth. The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization came out with a statement that said they believe it is not ethical. Some larger consulting firm also hold this view? What do you think?? I happen to disagree with this thinking.
Riding The Aging of America: Developing a Personal Care Home Health Company
Hello from Atlanta Georgia!!! I’m here with several home care executives talking about the merits of getting into the personal care home health business. This post explores that topic.
As some of you may know, I have two personal care home health care companies. One is a franchise model called Homewatch CareGivers that I own in Plymouth Michigan where I live and the other is in Moscow Russia. I am 49% owner of First Home Care
These are GREAT businesses to be in because the world continues to age!! Baby boomers began turning 65 in January, heralding a seismic shift in demographics worldwide. In the United States, by the year 2035, 1 in 5 people are expected to be age 65 or older. America’s aging population has profound implications for society, as well as for policy makers and businesses.